Sunday, October 4, 2009

Publications review latest Conservation Finance & Forest Carbon programs…

I have been reading two important resources on Conservation Finance and Forest Carbon and wanted to share the titles since they are highly recommended for conservation professionals.

The first, Guide to Conservation Finance, focuses on new sources of sustainable financing for conservation, including Payments for Ecosystem Services and other market-based economic instruments. This publication outlines mechanisms that have been implemented around the world, and case studies demonstrate both successes and challenges facing project developers.

The Guide to Conservation Finance was released by World Wildlife Fund this month and provides an overview of topics including Carbon Finance, Payments for Watershed Services, Tourism and Recreation Revenue Programs, Mitigation Banking and Biodiversity Offsets, and Environmental Investment Funds.

Deforestation has been a major driver of climate change, so it is widely understood that its reversal must be an integral part of the solution. In Climate Change and Forests: Emerging Policy and Market Opportunities, international experts explain the links between climate change and forests, highlighting the potential role of this sector within emerging climate policy frameworks.

Climate Change and Forests provides an excellent overview of forestry and the Clean Development Mechanism, emerging programs to finance avoided deforestation, and the growing voluntary carbon markets. The authors are prominent innovators in this field, and the book includes chapters on Risks and Criticism of Forestry-Based Climate Change Mitigation and Carbon Trading, Rewarding Developing Countries for Protecting Forest Carbon, and Carving a Niche for Forestry in the Voluntary Carbon Markets.

The first chapter by editors Charlotte Streck, Robert O’Sullivan, Toby Janson-Smith, and Richard Tarasofsky is available from the publisher here.